Breast surgery for men?! How is it work?

Breast surgery for men?! How is it work?

Breast surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed every year, and this is also because it is becoming increasingly popular, not only among women, but also among men. But why are more and more men choosing it? We're going to reveal the most common reasons why men visit their surgeons.

What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. The condition can be the result of hormonal changes, hereditary obesity or the use of certain medications.

Gynecomastia can cause discomfort and can also have a negative impact on self-confidence. Some men may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Features of gynecomastia:
Excess local fat
Excessive glandular tissue development
Sometimes excess breast skin
Unilateral (one breast) or bilateral (both breasts) deformity

No surgical intervention needed?
If the cause of gynecomastia is hormonal imbalance, medication may be sufficient to correct it. Plastic surgeons do not prescribe such medication. These treatments may include testosterone replacement therapies, estrogen receptor modulators that reduce breast volume.

Alternatively, the surgeon may advise patients to: for example, lose weight or stop smoking cigarettes.

Breast lift
If the weight of excess breast tissue causes the breasts to sag and the areola to elongate, the plastic surgeon will perform a breast lift and at the same time reposition and resize the areola. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and takes about one to two hours. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis. Sometimes a second procedure is needed to tighten the skin and achieve optimal cosmetic results.

How is male breast reduction performed?
The plastic surgery under general anaesthesia involves the doctor making an incision in the lower part of the nipple and removing excess skin and fat. Combining this with liposuction makes the whole procedure even more perfect. The incision itself is only a few millimetres in size. 
Compared to a female breast lift, it avoids the need for skin excision in more than one area, as men's anatomy is such that the skin is perfectly able to retract. 

Male plastic surgery at Dr. Goodwin 
The Dr. Goodwin Centre also offers aesthetic treatments and plastic surgery for men. 

Male Breast Augmentation: creating a more masculine, bulging chest by replacing missing breast tissue with implants.

Rhinoplasty: plastic corrective surgery for nasal septal deformity or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the nose.

In our centre, the first consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon is free of charge. The consultation will help you choose the right procedure or treatment and will also provide detailed information about the expected result and any possible consequences.