Dr. Gyula Barna Kovács

Dr. Gyula Barna Kovács

As a medical student, Dr. Gyula Barna Kovács regularly assisted in plastic surgery operations, working with the country’s most acknowledged plastic surgeons.

He specialized in aesthetic surgery, restorative plastic surgery, microsurgery and certain areas of general surgery.

He has given presentations and presented posters at several Hungarian and international congresses where he presented his scientific results so far. He presents at professional training courses, Hungarian and international conferences, and further-trainings.

He is a member of the Hungarian Surgical Society (MST), the Hungarian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (MPHEST), the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS) and the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic for Surgery (IPRAS).

In the course of his work his greatest pleasure is his patients’ satisfaction, when he can see the happiness on their faces after a successful operation that significantly improves their quality of life.

In his free time, he likes riding a motorcycle and bicycle, he likes exploring new places, especially with his little son. He also likes eating well, his favorite dish is tripe stew.

The Doctor is available at our clinic below:

Dr.Goodwin Szépség és Egészség Központ - Budapest
Centr krasi ta zdorovya Dr.Goodwin - Ukraine
Centro de Medicina Estética Dr. Goodwin - Barcelona