Dr. Tamás Farkas

Dr. Tamás Farkas

Surgeon Dr. Tamás Farkas joined Dr. Goodwin’s medical team just a few months ago, but the patients already love him!

He completed his surgical training with excellent results. With his professional knowledge, patience, kindness and thorough work, he tries to provide each guest with a personalized, perfect solution.

His passion is for aesthetics and to achieve the most beautiful results, he keeps training himself. His motto is:  ”Healthy body - healthy mind.” He dedicates himself to crossfit in his spare time, and if he is not at the clinic, he can be found in the gym.

The Doctor is available at our clinic below:

Dr.Goodwin Szépség és Egészség Központ - Budapest
Centr krasi ta zdorovya Dr.Goodwin - Ukraine
Centro de Medicina Estética Dr. Goodwin - Barcelona