Eyelid surgery for radiant gaze - Dr. Goodwin, lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery

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Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can help improve our self-image, well-being, and quality of life.

As time goes on, the upper eyelid gradually thins and loses its elasticity, potentially even drooping onto the eyelashes. This not only leads to visual impairment but can also make daily activities, such as applying makeup, more difficult. In addition to wrinkles, the loss of upper eyelid support means that more pressure is exerted on the lower eyelid, creating puffy under-eye bags and a tired, worn-out appearance.

The surgical approach to this problem involves tightening and smoothing the eyelid and its surrounding area. The procedure can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid separately or both at the same time.

Learn about the procedure


To restore our self-image, our well-being and improve our quality of life.

The eyelid resting on our eyelsashes can be disturbing from an aesthetic point of view, but it also creates a feeling of discomfort and narrows and deteriorate our vision, so a surgical intervention may also be justified from a health perspective. This constant pressure can form bags under the eyes wich also can become aesthetically unpleasant. According to our patient's feedback, after a given time the problem cannot be remedied with cosmetics. Eyelid surgery is the only solution that can truly make everyone look years younger. This procedure can be administered on the upper- or lower eyelid or on both at the same time.

What can make us turn a blind eye to this disturbing and often unbearable change?
In many cases we find that FEAR is the biggest restraining force.

A woman in her forties, who has been unpleased with the state of her eyelids for several years. On average, she spends at least five minutes a day resentfully thinking about her condition, sometimes more than once, as every look in the mirror reminds her of it. In addition, when she puts on make-up, she gets even more annoyed, since applying products on her upper eyelid is almost impossible or perhaps unnecessary, because it's not visible anyway. At that point, she is finally had enough with the procrastination and the many hours that this problem had caused her. Then she encourages herself to have the surgery. In an instant, the disturbing thoughts disappeared, she regained her confidence.

Procrastination often completely paralyzes a person, as facing our fears is a very trying task and it is completely understandable. We can't make your fears disappear, but you should know that almost without exception, patients report that their fear increased to the point when they were on the operating table, but after that, they experienced relief and liberation and their fear vanished without a trace.

Since it is a surgical procedure, it may cause some discomfort, but thanks to the anesthesia, this should not be a problem even for a person with a lower than average paintolerance. We can turn the wheel of time back in an hour, so we can finally return to our usual routine - now rejuvenated.


Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the most asked for procedure when it comes to facial rejuvenation surgeries. It helps to achieve not just a youthfull look but to put a hault to eyesight worsening. During the procedure a pre-marked amount of excess skin is removed and the eyelid stiched together with a fine thread that is smaller in diameter than a hair strand. When it comes to the lower eyelid a small amount of excess fat is also removed to help with the puffiness caused by the upper eyelid's pressure. In every case the incision is made to be hidden: on the upper eyelid it is hidden in a crease , on the lower eyelid it is made close to the lower lashline. It is a minimally invasive procedure with spectacular results that can last easy for 10-15 years. It is done in local anesthesia which means there will be no overnight stay at the hospital.


Anyone whose upper eyelids have become droopy and flabby and whose lower eyelids look baggy due to aging. Lower and upper eyelid plastic surgery combined comes with a favorable package price!


Like most plastic procedures, lower and upper eyelid plastic surgery begins with a consultation. At this appointment, the plastic surgeon examines the patient and determines whether correction of both eyelids is necessary, or if either or both upper and/or lower eyelids need correction. Although it may be enough to perform the surgery on only the upper, drooping eyelid, in practice we find that in order to achieve the perfect result, a complete eyelid surgery is usually required. Based on the consultation, the surgical plan is drawn up, and after the mandatory tests have been completed, there is nothing left but the surgery itself. Before surgery you may be advised to stop smoking since it is not beneficial for scar healing. It is important that in the 2 weeks leading up to the surgery you drink plenty of wtarer , take vitamins (specially Vitamin-C, Zink and Selenium). It is also important not to take any coagulant medications (eg. Aspirin).


The operation lasts 40-90 minutes, depending on the size and the area to be treated.


After blepharoplasty, observation for a few hours is necessary  after wich the patient can go home accompanied.
As with most plastic procedures, eyelid surgery also requires a post-operative check-up at a pre-arranged time.

During regeneration, tension is experienced around the eyelids and the eyes may often become teary. If tearing is bothersome to the patient, it is worth using eye drops, which can alleviate the symptoms. Swelling is possible which means it may happen that the eyes does not close properly for a while after the operation. As the healing time progresses this will subside.


Minor bleeding may occur after eyelid surgery, so it is advisable to wear sunglasses for 2-3 weeks. The use of  mascara or false-lashes and make-up should be avoided for at least three weeks after surgery.

After the wound is closed with small sutures after the operation, these must be removed 1 week post-op.  After that, the scars still have to heal, but after a few weeks, the surgery will practically be a memory and you can enjoy your completely rejuvenated look. All in all, the recovery time for lower and upper eyelid plastic surgery is approx. 2-3 months, the result of the surgery can be seen in its full beauty, and no further correction is needed for the next 10-15 years.

Price list

Eyelid surgery*

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty 390.000 290.000 *
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty 500.000

*Last day: 2025.04.30


Eyelid surgery before and after pictures

See what our patients looked like before and after eyelid surgery!

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