Varga Mariann

Varga Mariann

Mariann has been working in the beauty industry for many years as a healthcare and aesthetic therapist. She specializes in minimally invasive, multi-micro needle machine, injection, and laser skin rejuvenation procedures, achieving almost 100% patient satisfaction.

She loves helping people renew themselves and enjoys the satisfaction her clients feel after her treatments.

Here's what her patients say about her:
"My skin has been rejuvenated! I've been suffering from skin problems for a long time, but Mariann's expertise has changed everything! My skin is now healthy and beautiful again!"
"Mariann is very kind and approachable, she cares about the progress of recovery after treatment. I highly recommend her to everyone!"

The specialist is available at our clinic below:

Dr.Goodwin Szépség és Egészség Központ - Budapest
Centr krasi ta zdorovya Dr.Goodwin - Ukraine
Centro de Medicina Estética Dr. Goodwin - Barcelona